India-Asean country Connectivity through cruise tourism - Nitin Gadkari
Road transport and highway minister on Monday came with a big plan to promote Indian tourism industry by exploring the possibility of connecting India with Asean Countries through cruise tourism.
He said that he already had talked about this with the companies about the cruise connectivity from Singapore exploring the various option.
Gadkari said:
“We plan to boost cruise tourism from 80 ships per year to 900 per year. Cruises from India can start from Mumbai or Cochin and can go to Thailand, Philippines and Cambodia, saving Indian tourists time and money for specially travelling to Singapore to enjoy cruises,”He also added, saying that India has already proposed a $1 billion credit to promote Asean countries connectivity through roads, air and waterways.The minister also address towards Asean- Indian Connectivity Summit organised by Confederation of Indian Industry and Asian Indian centre said,
“The Asean India maritime transport cooperation agreement is being negotiated...An Asian Indian civil aviation task force has been established to see optimisation of air connectivity.”
He also pointed to the connectivity projects such as India -Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway project and also discussed about the establishment of marine transport working group with Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.
source: financialexpress